Story time from the book:

The NBA makes its return to games today. Bettors and sportsbooks all over are excited for the action.

Sides, totals, props, and parlays will be flyin, and last second shots or dumb ass fouls will decide wins and losses...

With all the teams and the...
games in the bubble in Orlando, we don’t know how it’s all going to play out...I’d say there is more uncertainty than ever...

No fans, no home court, who’s trying to win, who’s trying to just get out and go home, and who is going out for wings...

There will be lines on every...
game, but nobody knows anything yet...there is going to be a lot of guessing on both sides of the counter for a couple weeks...

People will have theories, there will be analytics talked about, and plays will be made based on some serious bullshit.

With that in mind, I was...
reminded of one of the best tickets I have ever seen in my career and the story behind it..,

The date was January 1, 2014.

There were nine NBA games that day.

As I remember, there were a lot of bad teams playing, and the spreads were high.

Working New Years Day in the book...
mostly meant taking bets and watching college football bowl games...

Many of the younger guys in the book would be fighting hangovers from New Years Eve. The Moms in the book would bring in food to help everyone get through a busy day.

The atmosphere was electric and fun...
And when the games were good, it was even better.

Anyways, one of the regulars put in a ticket that included three NBA games from that day and the Sugar Bowl the next day.

The games and lines were:

Phi@Sac (Kings -8.5)
Brk@OKC (Thunder -12)
NYK@SA (Spurs -11.5)

Using those...
games, the guy took all the dogs and added Oklahoma against Alabama (Bama-16.5) in the Sugar Bowl on January 2nd.

He did a round robin by 3s and the 4 with all of them on the money line for $15 each way...

For those of you who don’t know what that means, he got every combo of..
Three team parlays (4 bets) and the four teamer (one bet)...

With those prices, just getting three winners would be a score, and if all four hit, he could buy a nice car and go on a nice vacation for cash.

It was a total of $75 investment.

The “theory” was simple, he said...
The favorite home teams would be tired from New Years Eve and wouldn’t give a shit about the games.

The visitors were already on the road.

“The dogs are LIVE, dude, I’m tellin ya”

I’ve heard worse. And Oklahoma?

“Alabama doesn’t want to be there after losing to Auburn the...
way they did. Stoops is going to have his guys ready to go.”

Again, why the hell not?

The prices were:

76ers +380
Nets +800
Knicks +600
Oklahoma +550

Pretty big longshot to say the least...

If by some miracle he got the hoop games in, that three teamer paid $4521 alone...
And it left him open to a monster win w the Sooners...

I went home with an eye on the scores...

When I checked them later, I could not believe my eyes...

(11-21) 76ers 113
(10-21) Kings 104

(11-21) Nets 95
(25-7) Thunder 93

(10-21) Knicks 105
(25-8) Spurs 101

They all won!!!

This jagoff was live to Oklahoma for some serious cash.

As I arrived at the book Thursday morning, we were all aware that the ticket was live.

We were setting lines on two things. One, what time would he be in to tell us? Noon was the number...and two...
How much was he going to hedge on Bama? The money line was steep on them, but we figured he’d lay something on them since he was already up the $4521...

Well, noon came and went, and there was no sign of the guy...

I went to lunch and came back and asked everyone...
“Did I miss him?”


I worked until that game kicked off.

Wouldn’t you know, he never showed...

We thought maybe he went to another book or maybe he stuck to his guns and let it ride...

All the after noon bets paid, as did the no hedge bets.

The book needed the...
same side as him, and a bunch of us had the Sooner money line as well...

Why not?

The game kicked and I drove home, listening to the game on the radio...

Trevor Knight was having a day in the first half...18 of 24 and put up 31 pts for Oklahoma...

AJ McCarron threw for...
301 yards but threw two picks for the Crimson Tide...

Bama did not punt in the first half and trailed 31-17.

In the second half, Derrick Henry had 8 carries for 100 yards, one catch for 61 yards and scored 2 TDs but it wasn’t enough

Final score 45-31 Oklahoma...

Damn, the...
ticket hit!!! We were going to need a fill in the morning when he came in to cash...

The morning crew got in on Friday and set the line again for what time the roundie guy would be in...

9:25am was the number. One guy was adamant that the dude would sleep in cause he was...
probably drunk or celebrating all night at the Rhino...

9:25 came and went and nothing yet...

Then, at 10:30am, walking on air, he bounced in, strutting up to the counter smiling like a butcher’s dog (thanks Mike Lange)...

“I told you guys!! I TOLD YOU GUYS!”

We nodded in...
agreement as he handed me the ticket...

I put it in the machine and BAM!

Here is what I saw:
Yessir! Pay that man his money.

“Did you hedge anything?”

He smiled and said “Nah. Don’t you remember me saying Oklahoma was going to win? I never doubted it. That was the game I liked the most. The baskets was just a hunch.”

Man, that is some set of cajones, huh?

After we...
paid him out the 47 dimes, he left a very generous tip and bought the book six large pizzas for lunch...

Someone asked him “what are you going to do with the money?”

“I’m going to buy a new truck. Then I’m driving it to Utah to go fishing with my dad.”

Someone else asked him..
“When you coming back?”

It’s a good question. The guy was a regular and was probably still stuck lifetime.

He paused. Then, with confidence, he goes “Never.”

What??? C’mon. We’ll see you next week.

Wouldn’t you know, I never saw him again.

Talk about the ultimate walk off...
The guy turned $75 into 47k, a brand new truck and went fishing, never to be heard from again...

Just another day in the book...
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