Has anyone ever seen a story about a guy who got COVID-19, got early treatment with the combo of HCQ, zinc, and Azithromycin, and died anyway?
Seems like an easy story for the anti-Trump media to generate. They could do one of those feature stories every day and guarantee Trump loses.
And yet they don’t. They only quote Dr. Fauci cherry picking the WRONG KIND of clinical trials as evidence HCQ does not work. And he obviously knows it. Half of Twitter users know it.
I’m not convinced HCQ or the combo work against HCQ. The numerous studies suggesting it does are not the reliable kind. Which doesn’t mean they are wrong.
So I offer this challenge: Those who say HCQ with zinc and Azythromicin does not work simply need to show me examples of real people getting treated EARLY and dying. If they exist, I am convinced. Five solid examples would do it.
Put another way, a lack of gold standard clinical trials (of the right kind) tells us nothing. But five examples of people dying after treatment with the combo meds would tell me the pro-HCQ doctors are at least over-optimistic about it being a near “cure.”
On the other hand, if zero examples surface in the next month or so, the smart money says the game is rigged.
Bonus question: If you wanted to destroy the credibility of HCQ, what kind of spokesperson would you secretly pay to promote it as a cure?
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