With the increase of infections, the debate surrounding measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is flaring up again. And there is one thing that people seem to forget. It's not just about the deaths. It's also about the recovery period after recovery.
As someone who has had difficulty breathing for years, let me tell you. It's not fun. Even if you didn't die from the virus, you will need to enter a rehabilitation program to get back to your healthy self. Who knows, maybe you'll never get there.
I've been through that process of losing your healthy self and becoming a chronic illness patient. It's not fun. You'll get mental health issues on top of it. You will hate yourself because you can't do the things you could do before. You will hate not being able to exercise.
It will get you down. You will believe you will never get better, which is still a possibility. It's too early to tell. Wearing a face mask is not just about keeping people from dying. It's also about preventing more chronic illness patients. People who suffer daily.
People who are forgotten by the system. People who are misunderstood, and who don't conform to the norm. Society has to change to accommodate the rise in chronic illness patients but it'll take years to get to the point where it might actually do something.
Seriously, if you're a healthy person and like exercising, no matter your age, consider wearing a mask. Can you imagine your life without going for a run? Being exhausted just from doing groceries? Never going to a theme park again because a day out is crippling?
Could you handle the mental stress of not being in control of your body? Do you think you could accept it if you had to alter your lifestyle drastically? What about the impact on your social life? Could you give up your three nights out a week?
Don't just think COVID-19 is a risk of death. It's also a risk of chronic illness. This virus is damaging your lungs and who knows what else. I hate that breathing hurts. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. So wear a mask to save yourself from this hurt.
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