I know in the 21st context "too ambitious" is a misogynistic tell, but as I scribble about 18th century politicians it is amusing to see one of their most common, and most hilariously hypocritical, accusations resurrected.
Every one of the guys I'm writing about told themselves breathless stories of their own selfless and reluctant call to service as they grasped, fought, stole, lied, backstabbed, cheated, and self-promoted their way to the fame and power they so desperately craved.
The Enlightenment had strengths and weaknesses. Self-awareness was not a strength lol.
I should mention that, of course, this all goes back to the great love affair with all things Roman Republican where "ambitus" was a social/political faux pas. Which is to say the Romans weren't too keen on self-awareness either.
Anyway, every politician you've ever heard of--yes including the ones you revere and adore--are insanely ambitious compared to any normal human baseline. Ambition is, in fact, bound to be one of their most inner-circle psychological motivations. Ambition defines them.
Not that I've had a chance to reflect on such things as I'm occupied writing a biography of Lafayette where topic of ambition never comes up...
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