Some of the changes are physical & some are changes in the action of tree’s super clever two-way carbon-water system. Summary-Tree stomata; hypersensitive to CO2 since the Devonian📷adapted frm McCarroll & Loader 2004 3/
The stomata seesaw (with CO2 [in] on one end and water [out] on the other) can be studied over time by measuring d13c in tree rings and converting the values to intrinsic Water Use Efficiency, as a stomata-seesaw proxy. When we do that we see, unsurprisingly, a complex pic 4/
So why don’t trees just grow more with more CO2? Most evolved when there was less CO2 so they’re already maxed out & living in a raised CO2 world ( A standard hypothesis was that they would show a mix of passive and active responses. 6/
The trees we studied had adjusted their water-gas exchange dynamically in response to CO2, moisture, stand dynamics, site conditions. They shifted iWUE between passive/active (and neutral-ish) ci/ca behaviors in response to multiple variables, not in a simple one-way shift. 13/
Such physiologically complex responses are going to pose an ongoing challenge to modellers (sorry modellers). AND, current tree planting strategies need to plant the right trees, in the right places, to work with likely iWUE changes. More CO2 doesn't mean more tree. /
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