—Presidential pick up lines—

George Washington:
“Hey girl, you want some wood in your mouth too?”
John Adams:
“I wouldn’t mind being your sloppy seconds.”
Thomas Jefferson:
“Girl, you make me want to veto the Non-Intercourse Act.”
James Madison:
“Are you a second amendment supporter? Because I want you to handle my gun.”
James Monroe:
“I don’t know about an ‘era’ of good feelings, but I can guarantee at least two minutes, babe.”
John Quincy Adams:
“Hey girl, you wanna find out why I call my mutton chops the thigh ticklers?”
Andrew Jackson:
“Your panties must be Native American, because I’m gonna remove them.”
Martin Van Buren:
“Hey girl, you wanna know why they call me Old Kinderhook? .... I’m just OK.”
William Henry Harrison:
“Baby, this is gonna be the greatest night of your-“ *dies*
John Tyler:
“Um... to be honest, I never expected to make it this far.”
James K. Polk:
“They said ‘go west,’ but I’d rather you go south.”
Zachary Taylor:
“I’m dying to pop your cherry.”
Millard Fillmore:
“It’s okay, I won’t remember your name by tomorrow morning either.”
Franklin Pierce:
“Hey girl, are you mentally ill? Because I’m gonna totally fuck you.”
James Buchanan:
“Let’s have sex like we’re the United States during my term; just sit back and let the southern parts do what they want.”
Abraham Lincoln:
“Sorry, I’m not into bondage.”
Andrew Johnson:
“You’re gonna need reconstruction after this Johnson.”
Ulysses S. Grant:
“Hey girl, you must be Cold Harbor, coz I’m going in full frontal.”
Rutherford B. Hayes:
“You must be the South, because I’m definitely gonna pull out.”
James A. Garfield:
“Call me Charles Guiteau, coz I’m gonna give it to you from behind.”
Chester A. Arthur:
“Just like my presidency, I come unexpectedly, but it’s better than you might expect.”
Grover Cleveland:
“Once you go Grover, just once dont mean it’s over.”
Benjamin Harrison:
“Are your legs Grover Cleveland’s terms in office? Because I’m gonna come between them.


And no, I’m not the dad from Frasier. Unless that works for you?”
Grover Cleveland (again):
“Told you.”
William McKinley:
“They don’t call me ‘Wobbly Willie’ for nothing.”
Theodore Roosevelt:
“I treat my ladies like my speeches. No matter what, I make sure they’re finished.”
William Taft:
“Hey girl, it’s not just my bathtub that I’m too big for.”
Woodrow Wilson:
“It’s not just my name that has wood.”
Warren G. Harding
“Go Harding or go home.”
Calvin Coolidge:
“Are your clothes my cabinet members? Because I’ve got the right to remove them.”
Herbert Hoover:
“Dam, girl.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt:
“You’ll need to borrow my wheelchair after tonight.”
Harry S. Truman:
“Hey girl, wanna help battle this bulge?”
Dwight D. Eisenhower:
“What does the D stands for? It stands for you, babe.”
John F. Kennedy:
“Is your ass Lee Harvey Oswald? Because it just blew my mind.”
Lyndon B. Johnson:
“I’m like the Vietnam War. Wayyyyy longer than expected.”
Richard Nixon:
“Hey baby, I know a great hotel we can go to.”
Gerald Ford:
“I can’t stop falling for you, girl.”
Jimmy Carter:
“No, oh my gosh, I said PEANUTS. Would like to taste my PEANUTS?”
Ronald Reagan:
“Your panties must be the Berlin Wall, because I want to tear ‘em down.”
George H.W. Bush:
“Read my lips; ᶜᵘⁿⁿᶦˡᶦⁿᵍᵘˢ.”
Bill Clinton:
“Girl, I’d never deny sexual relations with you.”
George W. Bush:
“I’m gonna get in those pants like I entered Iraq; no exit strategy.”
Barack Obama:
“Hey girl, wanna see my stimulus package?”
Donald Trump:
“Wow, you’re almost as hot as my daughter.”
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