my previous semester dissertation was on 'job security in academia', focussing on the Ad hoc teaching faculty in DU; an analysis of psychological well-being, job satisfaction and performce.

listening to the account of teachers was harrowing to say the least, here's a /
small bit of the findings because it's imp. for us to recognize how the neo-liberal policies have palpably altered the lives of our teachers. this is not just some bureaucratic stuff that does not affect us.

• the ad hoc teaching faculty are subject to extremely /
unjust conditions from lack of time in attending ones medical needs to subordination & being treated as second class.
• lesser known internal
politics and attitudes from different parties towards ad hocs were revealed by the participants.
• the job insecurity always looms /
before them, causing them to postpone life goals, academic pursuits as well as censor their
expressions to prevent jeopardizing their career. at least, in academia, one would feel there is
liberty to speak our mind sadly it doesn't extent to the temporarily employed.
•Institutionalized unfairness: inadequate leaves, no maternity leave, violation of contract, alienation from DUTA, special privileges and power relations btwn the permanant staff & ad hocs, overworked and unrecognized on records, etc.
• job insecurity reduces efficiency/
as the underappreciative environment can dampen their morale & thus affect work in the long run. ad hocs feel withdrawn and detached as the impermanence prevents the development of a sense of belongingnes.
the problems range from structural inequalities to implicit unfairness in its function.
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