đŸ”„Rules/standards/approaches, whatever you want to call them, serve as a framework for the strategy a manager uses to increase their probability of success. Saying “no rules” may suggests a standard of adaptability. đŸ”„ https://twitter.com/ahopcroft13/status/1288738620019552256
The #FPLCommunity and #fpl Twitter are always gaurenteed to get a 🍆 over two things:
1. The idea of being an “expert” on the game and telling others how to play.
2. The idea of “going with your gut” or “not following their herd”.
I’d go as far as to argue that, by creating a set of standards/rules, and executing that game plan, you as a manager can claim to be “going with your gut” but in a slightly more structured way. ✅

Whether we have rules written down or not we all function within a framework.
That said, I think @ahopcroft13 may agree that some of those “tried and true” standards (rules), although still being used by some managers, may have been poor choices in regards to increasing one’s chance of #fpl success well before this season alone.
The suggestion that the game is evolving and one’s rules must change to adapt is an important one.

Again, the games changes constantly but many successful managers use a variety of frameworks to ensure consistent success.
For some, a much more rigid framework is necessary to obtain consistency given their managerial tendencies. Suggesting a “no rules” đŸ€ framework may be right for some while a more rigid “rules” system may be better for others especially those with less time to spend on the game.
I’m by no means advocating for the “Play your own game” philosophy as I that that saying is overused and often warped to suggest a reckless style. I really do believe there is a more correct way to play #FPL. Like many of us in the #FPLCommunity I’m still discovering it everyday.
Finally, it’s important we challenge our frameworks to ensure we’re obtaining the results expected from the current approach. It’s a bit of a science. That’s why we see many managers finding success year after year. đŸ€“
Anyways, it’s 4:38 am here and my đŸ¶ is finally calming down and ready to go back to bed. Late night rambelings = over đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž
A final thought - the language we use on this platform is very important, especially for high profile accounts. When @lateriser12 said “no rules” many smashed the ❀ screaming “ANARCHY!!!!” when in reality I’m pretty sure he meant not to be rigid and develop your own framework.
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