The jury in twitter court is beginning to seriously piss me off. Corporations are bailing on WE projects b/c they see an ugly political fight has broken out and they're afraid. So the jury members decide "Oh look, corporations are bailing so WE must be evil." These are the
same corps you were barking at as evil incarnate for underpaying women, abusing workers rights, over charging you on your phone bill, mortgage, internet. You were screaming that the world would be a better place if the damn corps would pay their fair share. Now you're holding
them up as paragons of virtue, something you can trust to make judgement calls on ethics. You raise these entities, who you claim know better that us plebs, can show us what's good and evil. These are the same bastards that abandoned Colin Kaepernick when he took a knee, once
a handful saw some rebound value $$$ they jumped back in. "Hey look - Colin was right! Now everybody can buy our shoes again!"

So take your NDP-CPC bullshit and your need to convict and shove it someplace dark and uncomfortable. Keep it out of my face.
I'll wait until all the info is in on the latest faux scandal. I sure as hell won't be letting the likes of Charlie Angus, a bank or a phone company tell me what's right or wrong, now or ever.
***Middle sentence tweet /3 rewritten

Now you say these corporate entities, those you claim know better that us plebs, can decide what's good and evil, and we should follow their lead.
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