Too many journalists fail to uphold ethical conduct when reporting on racial minorities. COVID-19 has been no exception

By May, 6,000 Victorians had already been fined for breaking restrictions, $8 million worth

Why are 2 women of colour being labelled "enemies of the state"?
Race is not a feature in reporting where people are White. That's a function of race. Whiteness is the taken-for-granted norm. White people's race is inconsequential to their action. Race is not worth mentioning, even when they carry out acts of violence

Not so for everyone else
Eve Black got to go home after her first stunt, police knowing full well where she lived. She was so comfortable with her safety that she tried it again.

Race is a relationship of power: White people never have to fear their movements, even when film themselves breaking the law
All day, journalists, including 9 News, speculated that the women were criminals. Turns out they were at a party

One of the women is a cleaner, the other a childcare worker. But no reverence for these "essential workers." Their race lands them on the front page to be vilified
2 of the women are teenagers & the other is 22. If they were White, their age would see them treated with greater kindness

Instead, as young Black women, their age lends them no leeway, the way young White women are given innocence, waved through the border by a flustered cop
Media have strategically published maps of the places the women visited along with their photos, putting focus on their African heritage

They are 3 of thousands who've been caught not following restrictions. But we don't see other faces, because many are White. And nor should we
White mainstream media didn't care about race when majority White affluent people spread the infection

They didn't care about racial injustice when multicultural communities were restricted & detained

This virus is bad enough, but they still want faces of colour to blame
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