Interesting! Agreed that society’s view of ‘addicts’ needs to change to a more positive one! I think some recovery folklore is an obstacle to this, e.g. ‘once an addict always an addict,’ focus on anonymity & an ‘addict’s’ character. Need to normalize it & reduce the stigma imo
I use ‘addict’ in quotes for 3 reasons. 1) an addiction is a temporary condition you can get out of not a permanent state/tag 2) if you call yourself something you’re more likely to become it 3) nasty word with stigmatizing connotation
So to make talking about addiction more acceptable in society & reduce the shame people feel who are going through one...I don’t think using the term ‘addicts’ is helpful. We are not our past behaviours!
I’m going to ruffle some feathers here but imo all addiction thinking & ideology needs to be brought into the 21st century. A lot of it personally caused me a) to resist getting help b) increased feelings of shame & c) inner turmoil at who I was/am since
My take: addiction as a deeply ingrained negative pattern of behaviour similar to OCD. Vicious & brutal but temporary & can be defeated. & ‘recovery’ as having a forum for shared experience & accountability to do that - & boost your mental health in the process.
12 step programs have helped millions. & regurlarly going to GA to meet people with a shared experience helped me. But I believe that their success is in spite of their ideology not due to it.
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