Having listened to a lot of great end-of-season pods, one thing stands out -- #FPL rank is absolutely overrated.

I'm probably biased because I finished 142k and only had 450-odd points from the captain chip this year.

But it is clear that captaincy is... [1/x] #gw38 https://twitter.com/fplreview/status/1288544816125681664
A) a huge determining factor in how your #FPL season will go in terms of rank

B) a weekly chip that is far more reliant on luck/variance than any sort of skill factor

For anyone thinking, 'if I'd have my vice-captain as captain, I'd have X more points', you probably made [2/x]
a good decision!

Like many others I'm sure, my early-season issue was giving the "wrong" asset the armband and having my vice-captain haul -- usually between Salah and Sterling, with a few KDB vices thrown in for good measure

This isn't an 'I'm really unlucky' post, [3/x] #FPL
just a thought that you mightn't have as 'bad' a season as you think, once you start looking back at the decisions and not the outcomes (great WGTA pod on this too, as an aside)

Tends to be a lot of post-season #FPL chat every year along the lines of, 'this dead team would [4/x]
have been ranked really low', or, 'if I permanently captained X player [KDB this season] I'd have made the top 10'

Honestly, no-one is going to perma-captain a player for 38 gameweeks because it's unlikely to be a good decision, unless your on some crystal-ball shit [5/x] #fpl
and on the same note, your 'main' team [if you play zombie leagues and such] is never going to be a 'dead team' -- partly because you'd need to be able to predict the future but mostly because it would likely take from your enjoyment of the game

#fpl #gw38 #fantasypl [6/6]
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