🧵My #BlackJourneyToNeuro started when my dad threatened me-a rebellious teen. He said, "apply to college & I'll GIVE YOU BACK ur green card [story for another day why he even had it]." I had no interest in higher education, but I applied anyway. I just wanted to stay in the US.
My dad dropped out of 3rd grade, so this wasn't an "I value education" demand. He just knew it'd keep me out of trouble. I applied to the local Uni (Uni. of the Virgin Islands). I enrolled 'undecided'. I also had to take remedial math & english courses (my SATs SUCKED!) #FirstGen
Briefly, I didn't care to be there. I was 16 & as soon as I turned 18, I would leave and do whatever I pleased. Thankfully, my undergrad mentor (Dr. Aletha Baumann) saw something in me and encouraged me to explore different career opportunities.
I attended leadership conferences (Thurgood Marshall, etc.). I pursued research experiences on the mainland through Summer Research Opportunity Programs (SROP). It was during my Junior year that I learned what a PhD was & became intrigued by neuroscience research. #BlackInNeuro
The FIRST time I applied to grad school, I got rejections from all 11 schools. By this point, I'm amped up & nothing was going to stop me from getting that PhD-Dont tell me about this rare opportunity, then not allow me in! No way! I discovered predoctoral programs were an option
This was a blessing in disguise. I gained more research experience & solidified my interest in neuroscience. I also broadened my network and boosted my confidence [and grad application]. I retook the GREs and applied to grad school AGAIN. I am getting this dammit, and I am ready!
This time, I got into 5/9 programs! I won't get into too many details about the grad experience, but I battled racism, discrimination, sexual abuse, mental & physical illness, among so much more. Most ppl only saw my accolades tho. It took everything in me, but I finished strong!
Thanks to amazing mentors & community support, I earned that PhD, landed an amazing postdoc in the @ManBrickLabs co-mentored by the @ManlyEpic ( #BlackInNeuro) & @AdamMBrickman, & doing exactly what I never dreamed of, & it couldn't feel more like my calling--deep within my being!
Despite it all, this lil Black girl from a tiny village in Dominica is a neuroscientist today! I didn't knw it then, but this is my calling & I'll continue to thrive & provide support to others to do the same. WE BELONG HERE-It's our birthright! #BlackInNeuroWeek #BlackintheIvory
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