When Biden announces his running mate, it’ll be just over 90 days left until Election Day. Whoever she is, she will be the subject of a smear campaign like you’ve never seen before, 24/7, every single one of those days. They know they can’t effectively hit Biden, so it’s...
...gonna be 90 straight days of Trumpworld spending hundreds of millions of dollars to try and turn her into some ungodly Eli Valley caricature somewhere in between Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin. Everyone from Fox to CNN to Chapo will lap it up like starving dogs because...
...they know their jobs will be boring again or cease to exist once Biden wins. They’ll rationalize it with “tHIS VP pick mOrE ImpoRTAnT than EVER cAUse Biden OLd.” Of course this is bullshit, and they want you to think “this one matters more” every four years...
... In ‘08 they said “Obama Will get shot if he wins” or “McCain will die in office.” It’s always bullshit. If the “leaks” this week are a test run to see how well the BS sticks, media gets an F and Twitter gets an F. But the focus on one contender should be telling...
...Point is, once he announces, please don’t amplify the bullshit. I know you’re bored. But just don’t do it. The only way Trump makes this race close is if we let a fake 3-month VP reality show distract everyone from 150K dead and millions unemployed while the country burns
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