Jesus says that socialism is a modern day gadianton robber murder cult.

How do you feel about socialism?

Did you know the democrat party supports socialism?

Who are you voting for?

Did you know D&C 134 God will hold us accountable for the laws & governments we support?
Did you know that Satan was cast out of heaven for trying to take away people’s agency? You know ... like socialism does. Did you know that the people who sided with Satan on the socialist idea also lost the chance of a body forever?
Did you know captain Moroni got authorization to kill anyone who wouod not defend liberty? Did you know that Mormon told us that if all men were like captain Moroni that Satan would lose all power.
Did you know that if Satan has control in this world it is because men are not like Moroni?

Did you know that if we are going to build zion we must become men like Moroni?

Christ is coming to destroy socialism so might not want to associate yourself with them. Just sayin 🤷‍♂️
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