As a junior designer, a company should pay you 250k. If they can’t, they don’t need a designer.

Hold up! I’m actually tired of this generation being led by money.

I got my first design job for #500 airtime. Funny right but that’s the reality, before it turned to 2k/3k for /
designs. Whatever design i make then, I got the hype, the good feedbacks but personally I know i still have a long way to go so that doesn’t make me confident to charge higher. While I was still in ND2 then, I first started to searching for remote jobs off jiji but I noticed most
are fulltime jobs. Thanks to google ads algorithm. I started seeing freelancer, fiverr and upwork ads. I joined this 3 platform, put a few designs on, send proposals waiting for response. Then, a proposal clicked, it was a Ghanian client (Sankofa Travels). The lady needed a
flyer and I’m to be paid $25(6k). I was so happy. Around that time, my laptop battery broke down and I can’t leave the client on hanging (Btw, I got my first laptop hp530 on 14th year old birthday).

I called my mum, asked her to borrow me 6k that I will refund when I’m finish
the project. She borrowed me, I did the flyer even did logo join. I never knew there was something called logo, the client mentioned it and I googled it. I wanted to earn her trust so I went to youtube, watch a few tutorials, came up with a logo, made changes and all and she
loved it. I got paid and I sent all the money back to mum cause I borrowed from her. I was hyped from that to propose to more clients. (Propose here actually mean convincing the client you can do their job) After so many trials, bagged the next client and the next then i
started getting referrals. All those time too, I made sure to keep learning and I love the growth I was going through. I was still getting paid 3k, 5k, 10k on flyer jobs. I wanted to work more for foreign clients, did my research, sent out lot of messages to clubs
and individuals that needs better design that I can offer. A few responded, most said no, 1 said yes. I worked with this brand “Row productions” for almost 2 years and my time with them, I was getting paid 15k, 20k on flyer and cartoon jobs.
I got referred to a company GNT nigeria, met the CEO who interviewed me (I have no CV then😅, all I have was pictures of my works to show for). I got employed as an intern actually but my period with the CEO is one I will ever be grateful for. I was a shy guy, I try so hard to
close sales, talk confidently to clients, suggest ideas but this man changed all that. He will take me to meetings, let me listen to him as he close deals, put me in the hot seat to make hard decisions. All this made me into who I am today.
I grew confident to talk to clients, to close deals, I learnt about business, I got to look at things from the client side, I got to learn design well too.
I don’t know if it’s because times have changed but most of my clients whom I had personal talks with made me know
when they started they weren’t even getting paid, they were there for the experience which they got and it helped them get into higher place, helped them grow. So as a designer, I’d advise you believe in what is called growth. You want to charge six, seven figures for your
works? Be ready to learn, grow and not be led by money.

Get information on design, business, personal development etc. You will only be paid 250k or more by what you can do and offer not by a tweet.

Have a great day🥂
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