My favorite ML educators: [1/n]

- @JayAlammar: visual guides on NLP
- @fishnets88: intuition & real-world anecdotes
- @CShorten30, @ecsquendor, @ykilcher : netflix of research papers
- @letiepi: bite-size animated videos on ML
- @nlpguy_: experience on NLP in industry
ML Educators [2/n]
- @omarsar0: NLP talks/research/summaries
- @SimonWardJones: Interactive D3 diagrams of core ML algorithms
- @MLinProduction: Bringing ML to production
- @abhi1thakur: Videos on applying NLP to real usecases
- @RajShantam: Re-creating nytimes-like visualization
ML Educators: [3/n]
- @MLFromScratch: Explain core-ML algorithms by implementing them from scratch
- @nadaloglou & @KarSergios: Accessible surveys on computer vision and GANs
- @EdwardM00758862: summarization of every topic he's learned from his start in the field of NLP
ML Educators: [4/n]
- @Ramsri25930146: Teaching transformers with real-usecases
- @A_K_Nain: Accessible summaries and notebooks on computer vision
- @alisher_ai: Annotated research papers
- @ayushthakur0: Ablation studies on many computer vision concepts
ML Educators: [5/n]
- @amaarora: Explaining research paper maths using PyTorch or Excel
- @RisingSayak: Clear-cut notebooks on new Tensorflow features
- @pbloemesquire: Visualizations to explain maths behind complicated NLP architectures
- @pragmaticml: Surveys on transformers
ML Educators: [6/n]
- @CodeBug88: Maths explained using NumPy
- @lilianweng: Literature reviews of research areas in a single post
- @mariokostelac: Bringing models from notebooks to production
- @mrdbourke: Breaking into the ML field and "learning to learn"
ML Educators: [7/n]
- @GokuMohandas: ML curation, end-to-end projects & incubation
- @bhutanisanyam1: Interviews with inspiring personalities in the ML field
- @chipro: ML interviewing and production landscape
- @luis_likes_math: Videos on ML that a 5-year old would understand
ML Educators: [8/n]
- @ChrisJMcCormick: Videos on his learning journey on NLP concepts. Really understands pain points of beginners.
- @eugeneyan: Being more efficient at data science process
- @chris1610: Anecdotes on using python to solve real business problems
ML Educators: [9/n]
- @echen: Explaining ML maths using diagrams and analogies
- @deeplizard: Teaches PyTorch/Tensorflow in a very fun way
- @rctatman: Live coding on NLP problems. Learned a lot about how to approach problems from scratch.
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