
Instant laugh guaranteed 😂

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1/n Ok, this tweet raised some comments, let’s address those.
1. Is it funny? I had a good laugh, sorry for those animal lover that are offended. But, after having read a bit more, it is also a sad sight.
2. Are the legs tied? No they are not and they have most likely not been.

3. Are front legs of goats and other animals often tied? Yes, it happens in many countries, and yes that is cruel. But I can share much more cruel pictures of how we treat animals, including from countries that proudly consider themselves ‘developed’

4. So what is this video? These are dancing goats, or Nachi Goats, described as ‘a unique genetic resource, unique not only in Pakistan, in the entire goat world. It is unique due to its dancing gait which is natural’.
So back to the question: is it cruel? My best guess is a yes. I suppose these goats have been breeded like this, based on a unlucky mutation of the joints (or several mutations). I understand that not much is known about their history.
If that assumption is correct, I think it is a cruel thing to do, like other extreme breeds of any animal. That is what I could find so far, I am not a goat expert, nor a breeding expert. If you know more please let me know.
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