Ok, I’m fed up and feeling snarky so it’s time for a thread of Swear Trek gifs summarizing the #Ravelry fiasco #RavelryAccessibility
Go do a search or something if you don’t know WTF I’m talking about.
Ok, so, over a month ago Ravelry announced they had a big surprise for us.
And we were all
And then the day came and
Everything was, uh, very different
But Ravelry was all like, hey, give us your honest feedback, let us know about bugs, etc
Several people were...not fans of the new look
But a bunch of us weren’t bothered by the look so much as what happened when we were on the site for a while
A bunch of us felt like this
And this
And this
And this
And this
So naturally we shared our concerns about, you know, having seizures and migraines and vertigo and eye strain and cool fun stuff like that because
Wait, no. Because
Only we, you know, most tried not to call the site “shit” because prior experience led many of us to suspect that our concerns would be taken seriously and solutions would be arrived at and all that normal stuff
So instead we were treated to
And when we tried to discuss it on the discussion boards
So, quite a few people were understandably miffed about this, especially when they asked for the old version of the site to be restored until the new one didn’t, you know, hurt people
So an option was created to restore the classic version of the site. Only it...didn’t. And the response from Ravelry was
Meanwhile, we learned that some of these issues were brought up during beta testing and just...ignored?
And it became fairly clear that no one really knew enough about accessibility and web design to even grasp the problem or how to fix it
Meanwhile, a lot of people (me included) were urging patience because small team, new stuff, consideration for people’s feelings about their design, and surely Rav had a plan to fix stuff.
And eventually we got to a point where Ravelry denied any problems existed at all
Including a founder and primary executive saying shit like
And everyone on staff mass eventually deleting their social media accounts and basically doing this
But not before pulling a lot of this kind of thing
And describing the warning the Epilepsy Foundation sent out regarding the potential, though as yet unidentifiable risk as a natural precaution as
And we also learned a bit about previous shitty behavior toward users with visual impairments
And that screen readers weren’t working on the site anymore
And meanwhile, there was basically radio silence for long stretches of time
Interspersed with some truly ridiculous user experience surveys
Like, ridiculously ridiculous in terms of actual usefulness to the point people were like
And people who do actually know about designing websites and accessibility were like
And when some of them offered their assistance in figuring out WTF was going on and fixing it (in some cases for free) the response was basically
And as more people spoke up the more TPTB at Ravelry were like
And for those reporting significant issues (often after deliberately coping with migraines or vertigo being intensified or triggered in the hopes of helping to figure out what the issues are) the response was basically
And after the “surveys”
We were told that new users and sales were up compared to last year, thus implying disabled people were lying or if they weren’t lying they weren’t a large enough market share to worry about
And seriously, the surveys...
Plus, Ravelry describes itself as a diverse, inclusive, welcoming community for all people, particularly people marginalized due to race, gender, sexuality, etc so
And they’ve also gone on record numerous times that they are not running the site with the purpose of making as much money as possible, yet still continue to cite sales as their justification of denying problems exist
(Couldn’t find an appropriate Swear Trek gif, so you’re getting Rick and Morty and by god you’ll be grateful for it)
Meanwhile, as word spread and more people became aware of the problems discussions continued to be shut down on the main forums
More people, including those who were not actually part of the community before were watching things devolve
Some wanker sociologist decided the real problem was mass hysteria without actually talking directly to people or examining them. I’m sure it’s purely coincidence that women are often subject to medical gaslighting and knitters are frequently stereotyped as older women
People are still trying in good faith to engage with Ravelry leaders because there is (or was) a genuine sense of community, affection, and loyalty toward them
But they keep being rebuffed so a number of them are like
(Meanwhile the actual troublemaking troll brigade of racist, homophobic, transphobic assholes are gleefully watching and trying to stir the pot necessary of course they are)
And users, many who have been around since the beginning and made huge contributions to populating the database along with designers, dyers, etc are seeing Ravelry’s conduct as inappropriate
Meanwhile, Ravelry and Cassidy in particular has begun saying that those documenting and reporting problems are liars
That an unnamed doctor says it’s impossible that the site is causing migraines or seizures
And implying that those people who are experiencing migraines or seizures are either lying or wrong
And responding to user emails regarding these issues with basically the ongoing themes of
And a whole lot of people are like
And wondering
Wishing Ravelry would take this very simple advice re: ableism
Losing a lot of trust in the site in general and Cassidy in particular
Looking at this whole very weird situation like
Not appreciating the ableist gaslighting
Feeling like Scotty here trying to figure out how the hell it got to this point
STILL trying to get across the basic message that literally
And supporting designers and dyers leaving Ravelry and making their patterns and other merchandise and communities available elsewhere
As are a number of other people who literally cannot use the site anymore or who don’t care to after this very hurtful, unnecessary, and baffling fiasco
And I have no idea what will happen from here
Holy shit that was a lot of gifs

And I just finished a book, so bedtime since I have a telemedicine appointment in the morning with my pain specialist. Gotta remember to tell her that some rando sociologist and an anonymous MD say my pain is a lie.
Addendum: Jess from Ravelry has posted a statement https://twitter.com/ravelry/status/1288895056078921730?s=21
Still getting a bit of this vibe, though mostly that’s coming from people who can’t be bothered to see what issues people are actually having so they keep insisting people don’t like change or are just being mean because they don’t like the aesthetics
Any way, the implication now seems to be that people helped by the new design outnumber those who aren’t so still some of this vibe
Apparently no one realized exactly how Cassidy was responding to people
They’re looking for an expert in accessibility
And after how people have been treated recently, a lot of us are not exactly overflowing with good will and enthusiasm
Because people are understandably pissed about basically being told
So I guess we’ll wait and see how things go in the future and hope it doesn’t continue to be like this
And genuinely hope that Cassidy and her family get the help and support they need and feel better
Because again this has been true for a lot of people
And I would like to again remind the transphobes
Seriously, all the bigots:
And on that note
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