So... it's no secret at this point that the 2-minute continuous cut scene in #WynonnaEarp 401 has completely enthralled me.

In the past, I did a break down of a scene in 307 where nobody seemed to notice that Nicole threw her Smith&Wesson into the damn forest. Time for another.
Here I go again attempted to break down a scene in our beloved shit show.

Please note, I do not work in theatre, television production, acting or similar. I'm just a fan who is in love with this scene & has made some observations.
We begin with Wynonna kicking open the door to bring in an injured Nedley.
The drugged whiskey is still on the table from the night before. Wynonna & Waverly's glasses remain full. The rest, emptied of their contents are back on the plate. (Yes, I've checked prop placement between 312 to 401... it's so close that I've been unable to spot the difference)
Nedley places his shotgun on the table. (Greg would have to be careful not to disturb the tabletop to prevent the props from moving too much... which is funny because he basically SLAMS it down)
Now the table is hidden behind Nedley & Wynonna, but at this point, nothing is happening behind them yet. Wynonna ends up going back into the kitchen to find that First Aid kit that they have... not. The shotgun is still there.
It's when Wynonna finally whips around the corner into the stairway hall that things begin to shift.
If there was a specific cue for Varun, Kat & Justin's stand-in to start moving, it might very well have been when Wynonna yanks open the hallway drawer. The kitchen is completely obscured & will remain that way for the next 45 seconds.
The point of entry would be the same back door that Wynonna & Nedley came in. The other side of the Homestead is completely visible. This would make it difficult to hide the altering scene in the kitchen if the actors or crew removing the shotgun came in this way.
The camera starts to follow Nedley. This allows for Varun to get into position. Worth noting how TIGHT that hallway is to sneak a camera & an actor by.
Varun would have to be following the camera from the kitchen back door all the way to the other end of the hall. In reality, Mel & Greg are seeing Varun shuffling by with a KNIFE, not a wall carving!
It's important to note that at this point the back door is still open. Kat and Justin's double would be in the kitchen getting in place. There may have been a crew member in there with them picking up Nedley's shotgun, who would close the door behind them on the way out.
As the lighting changes (another complexity that had to be cued perfectly... likely with Wynonna finishing her sentence), Nedley is halfway up the stairs to where a package of Maxipads is waiting. He is safely out of sight. Varun follows the cameraperson around Wynonna.
This shot is taken VERY carefully by the camera crew to make SURE the Z is hidden from view for Varun to get into place unseen.

Now that the backdoor is out of sight, the crew member(s) can make their escape with Nedley's shotgun & close the door behind them.
The illusion of a flashback has begun as Jeremy is now carving the final touches on the Z of Valdez.
Even though it's dark & hard to see, Mel has vanished from behind Jeremy. Likely through the doorway in the rear of the scene and around the corner.
45 seconds have elapsed since we lost sight of the kitchen. Now Nicole & Robin are passed out cold within it. (Worth a slight side note, that both unconscious characters have actors who are likely wearing wigs, which could complicate matters for getting into place)
Now we see a laser sight on Jeremy which is being pointed through the kitchen door window. It's not being done by the BBD Agent (yes the credits call him BBD Agent).
The commands to come out with your hands up is probably ADR, but I would assume someone on set said them to help guide the scene.

As Jeremy walks to the door, a figure appears in the doorway behind who/whatever is pointing the laser.
The door is "kicked" open. More likely it was manually opened by the person just off-screen holding the flashlight up in Jeremy's face. (Yes, there is a second person in that doorway)

Let's hope that knife isn't sharp as Jeremy drops it DANGEROUSLY close to Nicole's head.
Jeremy is then tasered and falls back against the doorframe that separates the hallway and kitchen.

Mel at this point would be back in the hallway waiting for the scene to change back. It's dark, so she would be obscured even if the camera managed a corner of her.
The lighting begins to change back as the camera rolls to the right and unfocuses.
There is only a fraction of a second where Jeremy and Wynonna appear in the same shot, but unless the footage is slowed WAY down to subatomic level (like this) it would be missed entirely. And I did miss it... many times... until I realized it was a thing just now.
Flashback complete. Now Wynonna & Nedley have to exchange a few last-second lines before the scene finally cuts. (I bet there was a roaring cheer when they got this just right)
As we pan by Wynonna to catch Nedley coming down the stairs, Varun has vanished from the doorway. The BBD Agent & flashlight person are also gone. In all likelihood, all 5 of them are in the kitchen out of sight.

Operation 2min 7sec uncut scene SUCCESS!
I woke up at 3am & groaned. It makes no sense for Varun to come in the back door & follow the camera. Instead, he would be waiting in the living room, where Mel would later escape to.

Why risk wrecking the shot, when you can easily hide?

I'm thinking way too hard about this...
When Nedley says "Well..." & the camera now conceals the living room doorway, that could have been Varun's cue to come out. He would know he would be concealed behind the camera & and would be able to move fluidly with the camera to get in place.
Sorry, I'm totally enchanted by how our maestros of a production team pulled this whole thing off. I'm not sure I've ever seen anything like this on TV before. I feel like #WynonnaEarp Season 4 is going to filled with a lot of awesome shit like this.

I can't wait for 402 now!
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