STORYTIME: I'm on a walk with a buddy near one of my childhood elementary schools last weekend. I transferred in and out of schools a few times, however, this one was special. It was the place where I first encountered and subsequently had my first Black male teacher. 👨🏾‍🏫 #AThread
Mr. Logan towered over my 11 year old self at 6 foot 3. He had long locs that you DARE NOT touch. He would go off on you! His skin hue matched mine. He wore a big smile but held high expectations for the 6th graders he taught. He might be described as a "Warm Demander"
Students were eager to work hard in Mr. Logan's class. On one particular occasion, I remember raising my hand for 22.5 minutes straight (yes I counted) while Mr. Logan peered beyond me to choose other students to answer questions posed during the day's lesson. He never chose me😭
I was simultaneously angry, frustrated, sad, and disappointed Mr. Logan never called on me. I was following the rules. Sitting tall and quiet, demonstrating interest and patiently waiting my turn to speak. NO, it wasn't S.L.A.N.Ting. I genuinely wanted to participate. We all did.
With tears in my eyes, I confronted Mr. Logan to query his failure to acknowledge my contribution to the class discussion. He stopped what he was doing, kneeled down so that his eyes met mine, and apologized. He said, "I'm sorry that happened Chezare. I promise to do better."
I don't know what I expected from him in that moment. I just remember feeling SEEN. There were no excuses. He conceded he made a mistake. He heard me! And to this day, I will never forget how accepted his response made me feel, during a time when I otherwise always felt rejected.
When I became a teacher, I would often ask myself, "WWLS. What would Mr. Logan say to this stu?"🤓. It was one of the most humanizing moments of my K-12 education, but my time with Mr. Logan was short lived. My family moved away 3 months into the school year and I was heartbroken
Fast forward to last weekend. I'm walking near the school where Mr. Logan was my teacher. I'm telling my friend all about Mr. Logan and how I wish I knew what happened to him. Long story short, my friend is like I know a guy who sounds exactly like your Mr. Logan. 😳🙄🤔🤨😱
Lo and behold, he points me to Mr. Logan's FaceBook. Y'all, as soon as I saw the picture, I KNEW it was him. All these years later, I can't tell you the sense of adulation finding him has brought me! We're living in a CRAZY time, and #findingjoydaily has been a constant goal.
We're virtually meeting up next week. People REALLY do forget what you say & what you do. But they never forget how you made them feel! I have never forgotten this man. And I have the honor of telling him to his face what he has meant to me 27 years later!
EDUCATORS: As you think about fall, make loving your students priority. Notice them. Affirm them. Check in on their emotional, spiritual, and psychological well-being. Put their humanity ahead of your scope & sequence. They will not forget how you stewarded this moment! #TheEnd
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