1⃣ 👋I'm a PhD candidate exploring #shorebird communication across the eggshell in the wetlands west of Melbourne. Some avian embryos begin calling late in incubation and can communicate with parents through the eggshell, but predators may intercept those signals🐣 #SCBMelb20
2⃣Communication across the eggshell is a two-way street, embryonic calling can influence parental behaviours and parental calling can influence embryos. This communication may serve several important functions but major information gaps remain #SCBMelb20
3⃣Two major issues faced by #shorebird populations within #GreaterMelbourne is egg loss to predators🦊and human disturbance🐕🏃♀‍. Understanding how embryonic calling may affect parental care and defence is important because they directly influence egg survival #SCBMelb20
4⃣ My recent publication was the first to highlight that the presence of embryonic calling and increased predator duration near the nest can initiate a higher intensity #shorebird defence! https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10336-020-01787-4 #SCBMelb20
5⃣ Communication across the eggshell remains a mystery🤔However, my project aims to address more of the information gaps regarding the function of parent-embryo communication. Thank you for listening and please feel free to ask me any questions! #SCBMelb20
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