2. In December 2019, Tesla was able to accelerate its cargo pick up process with the help of Cosco and SIPG streamlining its process on CargoSmart’s platform. (Oracle)
Based on hyperledgers fabric (chainlink integration)
Oracle - Chainlink integration Q3
3. Above link mentions

Enterprise adapters and rich REST API
Easily connect diverse on-premises or cloud back-office systems to drive blockchain transactions and consume blockchain events.

Where does Ld8a fit in???? This is pure speculation but what is fusionLDB,
4. Lets start with Oracle fusion and what it is...


CargoSmart uses Oracle Database, Oracle Fusion Middleware
6. Whats exciting about this project is the Team and their vision with Oracle to take on Amazons version.

Luke Porter CEO
FusionLDB is a SaaS capability available on Oracle Autonomous Database which brings unrivalled productivity gains to Oracle APEX system of record
7. Rob Squire - Technical Director and Data Architect at Ld8a ltd.
Previous experience -
Oracle fusion middleware solution designer. Rolls royce 2013 - 2017
Principal consultant @ Oracle database design, fusion middleware 1996-2010
8. Lead Data Architect and Oracle Database SME for Lloyds Money Manager where I designed and built the database schema - the ETL process from the bank systems and the PL/SQL packages used by Money Manager. Money Manager is now live and available via Lloyds internet banking
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