My grandad invited me to watch a livestream that @MyFaithVotes produced tonight (it was *by invitation only*) and, boy, am I glad he did. It is deeply biased propaganda at its finest targeting old dudes with money.
The organization's goal is to get the millions of Christians who don't vote to exercise their right to vote! Which is great, we all should.

Oh, and the other goal tonight during this live stream "meeting" was to raise five million dollars.

Some highlights:
Mike Huckabee (a speaker in this event!) took my breath away when he said that Christians will feel differently about the intersection of faith and politics when the government "puts their foot on our neck". Pardon my french but are you f*cking kidding me?
Not surprisingly, shortly after making that statement, Huckabee defended the police.
There were multiple references to this being the "election of our lifetime" because "our religious liberties have never been more at risk" and references to two Supreme Court Justices that had a couple things in
MFV claims to not endorse a candidate, they just want Christians to vote but that didn't stop our bud Huck from dunking on Joe Biden (a Christian) of course.

MFV wants to empower ministers to have voter registration drives at their churches and speak about this from the pulpit.
But they really only want you doing this if you agree with their MFV principals:

- protect religious liberty
- strengthening the "traditional" family
- protect sanctity of life
- compassion and support for those in need
I think it's important to note that after reviewing their website and comparing it to the livestream, the website says "strong families and marriages" but the words on the stream tonight were "strengthening the traditional family".
My interpretation of this statement vs. their grey-area of a website is an attempt to be "non-partisan" but it's abundantly clear that the LGBTQ+ are not part of the "strong families and marriages" they want to save. Nor are they a part of their interpretation of God's love.
I won't go into all of my "sanctity of life" thoughts (talk about an onion with layers) as these have evolved over time and personal experience.
I will share that I had a very emotionally & physically painful miscarriage that gave me the *gift* of 4 years of ongoing depression (WOOHOO!) and suffice it to say that some of the imaginations of our lawmakers in the south...concern me. :)
I think it's also important to take this moment to acknowledge the sanctity of these lives:

George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Ahmaud Arbery. Sandra Bland. Tamir Rice. Eric Garner.

And those are just the ones that come to mind in this stream-of-consciousness thread I'm writing.
Compassion and support for those in need? I'm just gonna copy & paste this one.

"I am happy to inform all of the people living their Suburban Lifestyle Dream that you will no longer be bothered or financially hurt by having low income housing built in your neighborhood..."
Enough said.

This organization is trying to persuade Christians to vote for this man because "compassion and support for those in need".

This should be the only evidence to the contrary that you need. But we know, of course, that the evidence is actually overwhelming.
Some stats from this stream:

- 1 female host
- 1 female speaker (Sarah Huckabee Sanders)
- 1 Black male speaker
- 5 white male speakers (maybe 6 but I couldn't look directly at the screen for a lot of this, just suffice it to say I lost track of white men - imagine that)
In summary, there are millions of Christians who do not participate in elections and I share the sentiment that this needs to change.
But the alignment and intertwining of the Republican party and Christianity is toxic.

God is not a Republican. God is not a Democrat. God is God no matter what. And that's the beauty of all of this: God doesn't need us. We need God.
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