WHY YOU SHOULDN'T SUPPORT PETA: a thread of just *SOME* of the shit they do/have done
ok, i'm going to start by saying that a lot of the people who support peta/look up to them are NOT BAD PEOPLE. most of you have good intentions and simply love animals and want them to be treated well (as you should). and assuming that is indeed the case, peta is not for you!
i ALSO want to state that i am not anti vegan! far from it! (some people have seen calling out peta as being anti vegan so i just want to clarify that). i just hate peta specifically :D
anyways let's get right into it.

peta has one of the largest kill shelters in america.

in total, since 1998, peta has killed 83.5% of the cats & dogs in their "care," and most of them were PERFECTLY healthy.
in fact, peta OPENLY opposes the no-kill shelter movement (it's on their website!!!! look it up!)
heather-harper troje, who is an animal welfare activist and a former peta employee, accused peta's president - ingrid newkirk - of pressuring her and other employees to steal and euthanize pets living with loving owners.
according to peta's president, people shouldn't even own pets. they should instead find an inanimate object to love, or stick to their "own kind" as pet ownership is a form of "involuntary bondage."
peta has compared factory farming to slavery AND the holocaust. they compared westminster dog show trainers to members of the KKK (and they actually dressed up like the KKK when doing so)
in their ad campaign known as "holocaust on your plate," peta used photos from concentration camps/holocaust survivors alongside caged animals, trying to compare the two living circumstances.

hey guys, trivializing the holocaust is bad !
and let's not forget the fact that they also trivialized black struggles + police brutality protests just this year. https://twitter.com/peta/status/1223177758227828736?s=20
now onto the next point. peta has dehumanized/mocked rape & abuse survivors...

in their video titled "Women Explain What Rape Feels Like for Animals in the Food Industry," they use rape victims to compare the experiences of animals who are born into the meat/egg/dairy industry as a result of forcible artificial insemination. this is a problem because +
it's comparing women to animals which, yes, is dehumanizing.
the forcible artificial insemination of animals is a problem that exists, but it should be talked about without bringing up HUMAN survivors and then dehumanizing them, in turn invalidating their trauma.
another peta ad called "boyfriend went vegan" depicts a woman in a neck brace who had her head smashed through a wall after her boyfriend went vegan and became really strong because of it (???). it's intended to be comedic and light hearted but it's just so out of touch
!!!!! TRIGGER OVER !!!!!!
also let's not forget how they went after steve irwin.............. 😐 https://twitter.com/peta/status/1098992959649808384?s=20
^ like... bro....
now, this is hardly ALL peta has done, but these are some big issues.

we absolutely need to have conversations and point out the shit that happens to animals, but we need to do so without dehumanizing people's traumas and experiences.
we need to do it WITHOUT trivializing things like the holocaust & racism, because yeah, what happens to animals and what happens to humans are, while both horrible, COMPLETELY different fucking things.
we can't use one set of horrible experiences to downplay another. we can't compare them like that. we need to instead bring awareness to BOTH, and because human & animal experiences are two different things, we approach bringing awareness to them in two different ways.
we're human. most of us have empathy. SHOW people what's happening to these animals, look for documentaries about it, just watching that shit go down will leave anyone with a heart begging for some change.

peta just... isn't it.
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