im a marxist–leninist–*maoist* & have plenty of criticisms of china, i just don't see the point of making those criticisms on twitter from my phone in the US during Cold War 2.0 and the ramping up of anti-china propaganda, imperialist lies, & general sinophobia & orientalism.
also as a cuban who gets mad when outsiders make inane criticisms of my country without knowing anything about the material conditions, i dont feel comfortable doing the same to china when they have a whole party of 90 million chinese citizens trained in marxism-leninism
the purpose of criticism of existing socialist nations should be discussion among principled comrades in order to avoid the given problems in our own construction of a socialist state and an improvement upon what has been done before. to learn from previous socialist experiments
while there still exists the ruthless imperialism of the US & the west more generally, i feel our public criticism should be primarily limited to the capitalist hegemony and greatest threats to global socialism. we should focus on creating socialism here before we talk shit
im a maoist because i think we need mao's contributions in the form of the people's war, mass line, cultural revolution, etc. to address the unique conditions we find ourselves in the west where the colonized black, brown & indigenous people hold the most revolutionary potential
the biggest leftist movements in the global south today are maoist ones (esp. the maoists in the phillipines, in nepal, & the naxalites in india). the black panthers were MLM & so is the new afrikan black panther party. the DFLP in palestine is maoist and turkey's TKP/ML is MLM
im an MLM because i think its the best philosophy for carrying out revolution in our current era & in the current material conditions here in the americas. i want to use it to achieve revolution here, im not so much interested in using it to help the state department malign china
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