It’s not Twitter’s job to protect Americans from controversial speech.
The country would be better off pushing the responsibility of critical thinking back into individuals rather than outsourcing it to bluechecks and platforms
There is so much stuff I despise on this website. So many things that I believe with total certainty are false. I wish they weren’t written. But forcefully silencing ppl doesn’t defeat the idea, it only emboldens the idea’s messengers.
Individuals have the means to block things they don’t like. Only when people find methods of bypassing those safeguards should a platform step in.
I don’t feel strongly about the hydroxy stuff and neither does 99% of people. It’s a doctors business. But the speed and ferocity of the removal/suspensions of accounts and posts containing off-trend talking points about medicine is really alarming.
It’s a slippery slope playing gatekeeper of ideas. What privilege or birthright permits someone to stand above others and tell them what is safe for them or not. Seemingly, it is only political power that precurses playing gatekeeper of speech.
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