This single passage in the SC July 13th judgement is enough to show that we took over a Kingdom ruled by Lord Shri Padmanabha Swamy as Ruler Deity with promises made to Him on His rights but today as per Sabarimala judgement He has no constitutional rights
The above fact along with the other legal facts in the SC 13th July judgement that is part of our representation on behalf of Lord Chilkur Balaji Deity to His Excellency @rashtrapatibhvn automatically makes Lord Shri Padmanabha Swamy Ruler Deity a Citizen
The above facts read w
"Under Art. 5 of the Constitution all the residents of the then Indian States including the Rulers ..became citizens of India"
ratio of SC Constitution bench automatically makes Lord Shri Padmanabha Swamy Ruler Deity a Citizen with all fundamental rights
As origin of all Sampradayas Lord Shri Padmanabha Swamy Ruler Citizen Deity's pious purpose of incarnation which is to protect & teach us the path to moksha is protected under Art 26 of our Constitution which is why Art 26 Right is claimed rep to His Excellency @rashtrapatibhvn
Several Organizations have come forward to support 18th July dharmik representation on behalf of Lord Chilkur Balaji Deity to claim Art 26 RightToProtect of Lord Shri Padmanabha Swamy Ruler Citizen Deity based on findings of fact in SC 13th July judgement
While we are yet to get support of ancient Mathas established by Hindu Deities for protection of Hindu Deity Rights it is heartening to note that modern organization like @People4Dharma and Founders Association are taking the lead in supporting the rep
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