Maybe I'm not seeing some comments. But I don't understand why it's hard to grasp that people are annoyed that most of the job postings in the papers tell you that a degree is required. That's what we see from an early age. So, we go through the school system with that in mind.
Social, physical, physiological & financial sacrifices are made. Student (& other) loans are applied for. We try to work hard, study hard, get good grades, pass, graduate. Then we apply for those jobs & we hardly even get acknowledged. No interviews. Not even a decline letter.
So you got the degree. The one they told you you needed. But now, you can't get the job. Can't even get a foot in the door. Sacrifices made. Loans to repay. & no income. Unemployment. Underemployment. That's the reality of many of our graduates. They were told to get the degree.
And now to find out that the jobs they applied for, we applied for, the ones that were posted with the degree as a minimum requirement, the ones that influenced our trajectory, have been assigned to persons who do not have the qualifications. Why wouldn't they, we, be upset???
If we're encouraging, borderline manipulating students through tertiary education, by telling them that it's what's needed as a minimum to get a "good" job, why wouldn't they be pissed that those jobs are taken by persons who do not have the minimum? The ire is not unreasonable.
Like I said, I must be missing some comments. Because with all that's been revealed & the clear mismanagement of these entities, the clear misappropriation of funds, it's obvious that the appointments were mishandled. I don't see why we wouldn't be mad as hell.
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