I'm heading out to Thurston tonight with @RNGDave for a scheduled Black Unity rally on the ass-end of Springfield.

The rally is called "The Noose is a Nuisance," likely in response to a photo of a simulated lynching shared on Facebook.

Thread starts here:
I don't usually base my reporting on things people say on Facebook, but between the lynching photo and claims that there will be a robust counter-protest alongside the rally, it feels like an event that's worth checking out.
I'm at Jesse Maine Memorial Park in Thurston, where a small crowd is gathering in a residential neighborhood.

Springfield PD is already crawling all over the place, and some residents have blocked off a chunk of street up to a cul-de-sac south of the park.
For those that don't know, Thurston is neighborhood on the far eastern edge of Springfield with a particularly strong right-wing reputation.

As if on queue, a small group of counter-protestors has arrived, waving and wearing American flags.
Important to note: it's fucking hot
The first interaction between BU and counter-protestors has begun.

One guy from the counter-protest side said "all races have been hanged by nooses" in response to a person confronting them about the noose found in the person's yard.
I recognize some of these folks from Saturday's counter-protest. So far, no guns being openly carried, but they do sound agitated.
Vigorous debate underway about whether Black Unity marches with "antifa."
A separate counter-protest group has confronted BU at the corner of the park. The BU leaders here are really hammering home their desire to "disrupt not destroy." Both sides are seemingly against "antifa" and their "destructive" actions.

"Why do you let antifa march with you?"
"Antifa" is tonight's buzzword. Everyone is saying it, but no one seems to have any definition of what it means.
March is gearing up to move, and the crowd is shouting "PEACEFUL PROTEST" as if to assuage the concerns of the counter-protestors.

Meanwhile, someone is burning sage.
Current speaker is calling out the counter-protestors for not "protecting the women of color in your community," once again referring to the simulated lynching.
Protest is maybe 200 strong, maybe a little less. Police are watching from a distance. No drones in the sky as far as I can tell.
I spotted the guy in the green mask on Saturday working with the EPD during the riot. The guy in the black jacket had a huge ass camera pointed at the crowd.
From the front:
Meanwhile, the crowd is stopping and engaging with people in the neighborhood who are shouting "Back the Blue" and similar slogans. Neighbors aren't taking them very seriously.
Counter-protestors are following along, shouting stuff. They're drowned out almost immediately.
Almost no one is this neighborhood is particularly happy to see the protest here. Plenty of people shaking their heads or shouting "All Lives Matter" at the crowd.
Seems the cops from SPD know exactly where the march is going. They're clearing the streets about a block ahead of the march.
SPD is wearing riot gear.
SPD has set up a barricade at 67th and Dogwood, warning people to stay on the other side of the dividers. Protestors are taking offense to the barricade.
"This is illegal! This is a public street!"
SPD isn't budging. Lots of insults being hurled.
Part of the group is confronting neighbors for shouting at them, most people are focused on the cops.

Someone asks if they can "call the cops of cops."
Unlawful assembly declared by SPD with a piercing screech from a patrol car's PA
Crowd is pissed, accusing the cops of being unlawful.

Cops reiterate demands for the crowd to break up. Crowd is just enraged now.
Crowd is up the cop's faces. "We can't hear you," is the chant.

This guy is recording from behind the police barricade
Police bum rush the crowd and chaos ensures.
A taser can be heard being deployed in this video
Counter-protestors are taking up positions behind the police.

Meanwhile, an ACAB chant breaks out.
The protest is leaving the barricade and moving down Dogwood St. while a few protestors get their last few insults in.
A few protestors are tending to minor wounds as the crowd gets moving. Now the neighbors are getting pissed about it.
At least one protestor has the symptoms of a concussion and is being taking to a hospital.
Cops blocking 68th and Dogwood too.
This is a real "smoke 'em if you got 'em moment."

SPD is pretty blatantly trying to kettle the crowd in the back of this neighborhood.
Counter-protestors are back. One member of BU asks them for directions out of the neighborhood.
These guys are accosting journalists and accusing them of being antifa. Sleeveless man takes my photo.
We're almost back to where the march started, with counter-protestors following and yelling at the crowd. Very heated mood right now.
Counter-protestors are blocking the crowd's exit.
This guy has been right up in people's faces.

The cops are everywhere but letting people shout it out at each other.
You can follow @mgbelka.
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