This @blackbaud situation is an absolute mess, here's just the tip of the iceberg - stuff I've commented on or been sent personally:
Firstly, they got ransom'd but sounds like the actor also had a copy of the data. They paid the ransom and somehow believe that the (criminal) actor kindly removed their copy of the @blackbaud data:
This incident has cascaded down to *heaps* of customers who've now had to do their own breach disclosures. For example, the @boyscouts:
And @AberUni:
There's also @UniOfHull:
As for @blackbaud's disclosure notice, it's extremely poor. The entire first para is dedicated to normalising hacking: "all the other kids are dealing with hackers too"
The notice then somehow - *magically* - concludes (with much hubris) about how top-notch their cyber-things are:
This just reads like the PR people waxing lyrical and I'm sympathetic to the technical folks at @blackbaud that are having to deal with this whilst palming their faces at the company's communication style 🤦‍♂️
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