I've been bagged out, vilified and shamed on the front page of the paper in the past.

Even as a grown woman with children and 3 jobs it was still terrifying and the blowback was immense and racialised.
To defend those publications identifying those young QLD girls is to reveal your own privilege and insularity. They are kids. They would be so scared right now.

Publishing their details = a big fat invitation to "battlers" to deliver them a serve in whatever way they see fit -
-- Racist abuse, death threats, shaming, doxxing.

I can't imagine they are equipped to deal with this attention. I know I wasn't, and at that time I'd worked in television for 12 years.
Yeah it's fucked that they've probably spread Covid all over the place, but this is not equal treatment.

This is a special brand of venom directed at young black women.
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