No one knows what will happen in November, and Lord knows there are so many unforeseen events fate may have in store, but right now the GOP is increasingly *acting* like it's a party that's gonna lose big.
I think this is the heart of the problem in the Senate. The reason you've got half the caucus ready to vote no for any rescue package is they think 2020 is a lost cause and want to position themselves for the future.
That's why you're getting some of the loudest opposition from folks like Sasse, Cruz and Hawley. Sasse has a totally safe race this year. Cruz and Hawley aren't in cycle and all have big ambitions. They're gonna want to be able to shake their head at the Bad Big Spending Ways.
Also, you can see it in the increasingly unhinged antics of the House Minority, which is more and more a fringe caucus with no real coherent message to the median voter other than bizarre conspiracy theories.
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