Let’s shed a little light on what Donald Trump is really saying here.

He’s repealed the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Act that President Obama put in place to bolster the Fair Housing Act of 1968 which basically said https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1288581375860277248
That you could not discriminate against selling properties to or renting to people based on their color, religion or ethnicity.
This law in 1968 allowed my family to purchase (with cash - because a bank would not lend my dad money - due to his race) this house.
This house allowed my sisters and I to attend a suburban school. We faced discrimination in the school and in our neighborhood. But guess what? White people who lived near us and attended school with us learned that black people were PEOPLE. People who lived, loved & contributed.
What Trump is promoting - is keeping white people in a bubble.
A bubble that does not allow black people, Hispanic people, poor people into their world - so white people can maintain a world view of “Us versus Them.”
This world view works for Trump and divides us as a nation.
Trump believes that white suburban people - particularly white women are racist & classist.
He has bought the “Karen” narrative.
He thinks by saying your kids can go to a lily white school with no diversity - you will vote for him.
But moms want what is best for their children.
Moms know that the world is NOT lily white.
The world is NOT all middle class.
To succeed in the world, children benefit diversity.
White moms, black moms, Hispanic moms, Asian moms - we want the same thing for our kids.
Safe schools.
A good childhood.
Moms should see this as an affront to what we teach our children
Be kind
Make friend’s
Race doesn’t matter
Money doesn’t matte
Kindness is what matters

We cannot vote for someone who tells us he shut the door in a poor mom’s face

Tell Trump he’s wrong & we’re not voting for him
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