UNPOPULAR OPINION: Virtual Reality is still over a decade away from changing how consumers watch sports.

Time for a thread 👇
1) In the last decade, almost every major professional sports league in the world has dabbled in virtual reality, promising fans a better sports viewing experience than they get from their traditional TV.

So why hasn't it gone mainstream?

Because it's boring. Let me explain..
2) From a social perspective, virtual reality is a complete fail.

VR headsets are restrictive and limit the social interaction that one can have when using it. Even in a room full of people, you’re watching the game alone.
3) VR companies have essentially just moved the television inside a headset, except with limitations.

The camera angles are stagnant, there is no ability to zoom, you often miss part of the action as it moves around the field/court, and the “fan experience” is non-existent.
4) Take the clip below, would you rather watch this in VR or on traditional TV?

For me, it’s the latter and it’s not even close.

One viewer thought it was so terrible he asked if it was filmed on Paul Pierce’s cell phone. Joke or not, he’s got a point.
5) Where has VR seen success?

With the NFL/College Football regulatory bodies limiting the amount of practices that can occur, VR has become a popular way to increase game-like reps from home.

The 49ers and Cowboys use STRIVR Labs to gain an advantage.
6) What has to change?

Until there is increased player & league adoption, sports VR will continue to struggle.

Instead of watching from the sidelines, what if you could look through the helmet of Patrick Mahomes? Fans want increased access, not just another cool tech product.
7) The hardware also needs to improve - headsets are clunky, expensive, and restrictive. Ultimately, VR devices need to be more functional.

With buy-in from top tech players like Facebook, Google, and Apple investing billions of dollars, I think we’ll eventually get there.
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