My whole life I have been a maker. A door. A fixer. A curious artsy-fartsy misfit that fell backwards into the world of user experience and design. My early apprenticeship and training was rooted in provoking strong emotions and opinions with my mixed media fine art craft.
Cutting my teeth stumbling through Silicon Valley, I took pride in my ability to launch things quickly to the world. But did I consider ethical?

I am now (many years later) in a world where the output of my craft can be used for harm or have unintended negative consequences...
... but also amazing transformative effects. We may be well-intentioned designers but we all have blind spots. Step 1 is to recognize this. Step 2 is to design in a "pause button" to reflect and ask "what if...".
Fire up your favorite virtual whiteboard app, assemble your team, for the next 30-90 minutes ask "what if"... Because as a team, my blind spot is somebody else's clarity. #design #relationshipdesign @salesforce @SalesforceUX #consequencescanning #EthicsByDesign @SalesforceArchs
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