Yesterday I was taking to someone who, upon finding out I have four kids, said “I’m sorry” and started to laugh.

I get it.

Family is now a burden. It’s low class to have more than two kids and sacrifice travel, restaurants, and all the other high-life trappings for them.
I don’t care.

We’re having a minimum of six because each of these little creatures is the best thing in the world.
I see people who stop at one or two (let alone having none at all) and can’t help but feel sad about all the extra love, excitement, and growth they’re missing out on.
Yes, everyone’s circumstances are different but my advice is, have as many kids as you can, love the crap out of them, raise them to be people you love being around, and watch every aspect of your life improve.

Btw, my son is doing more than his body weight here 😁
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