THREAD: Yesterday, I had the terrible misfortune of discovering the account @YesThatAnna. This has sent me down an endless rabbit hole for weirder and weirder shit, and today I’d like to document it all for you guys.

Let’s start things off with her bio.
One can see that Anna claims to be an “anti-IdPol Marxist.” She then lists various places she has written for. Let’s take a look at those, for any of our friends that don’t already know.
First off the bat, we have Quillette. Quillette is a conservative, libertarian online magazine, known for posting hoax articles and for being a part of the so-called “intellectual dark web.” As well as being the former home of our good friend Andy Ngo.
Up next, we have @psychreg, which seems to be the only normal publication Anna Slatz is associated with.
Next, we have The Post Millenial. The Post Millenial is a conservative new outlet whose editor is what do you know our good, good friend Andy Ngo!
He’s been mentioned once and he’ll be mentioned again. Check this thread if you want to know a bit more about how Andy Ngo is not a trustworthy source of information.
Now we’re at a real kicker! She says she has written for Rebel News, formally known as Rebel Media. You may know Rebel News as the far-right/alt-right connected news outlet thats contributors, besides Anna Slatz include the likes of:
Jack Posobiec. Notable for being an unabashed Nazi
Katie Hopkins, notable for being incredibly islamophobic, anti-multiculturalism, and for promoting the “White Genocide” conspiracy theory. If you want to hear some of her vile rhetoric, check out this video at 7:51
Lauren Southern. Most notable for propogating and popularizing the “White Genocide” conspiracy theory aka The Great Replacement.
Gavin McInnes, notable for his anti-semetism, flirtation with holocaust denial, and being the leader of the alt-right gang The Proud Boys.
And finally, we reach Human Events. This is yet another Right-wing Conservative news outlet. Their main claim to fame is being highly influential on Ronald Reagan’s political ideology. 
Now, why exactly would a self-proclaimed Marxist be writing for these right-wing, and in some cases fascist news organizations? One’s first thought may be that this is all a grift, which it may be, but I’d like to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she is genuine.
Another question you may have is what does she mean by “anti-IdPol Marxist”? Anna frequently rails against “Identity Politics” as seen below:

But the eternal question remains: What does she mean by that?
Leftist critique of Identity Politics is nothing new. However, it seems that Anna Slatz has a right-wing definition of what IdPol is. She utilizes the leftist critique of IdPol undermining class solidarity, but seems to understand IdPol as “anyone who wants equal rights.”
We’re already about 15 tweets into the thread and I haven’t even got to the stuff I really wanted to talk about. I want to compile a comprehensive list of the shitty stuff she’s done for everyone to see without having to do the digging I’ve done.
She went undercover to the 2019 Portland protests to write an article painting the protesters as ‘violent antifa gangs.’ This coverage was very much loved by our good friend Andy Ngo, who loves to provide kill lists for Atomwaffen and is a threat to our community.
However, the most notable alt-right activity occurred in her college years, well before she began writing for these publications.
When Anna, at the time going by Anna de Luca, was the editor of UNB’s student newspaper there was a man by the name of Michael Thurlow who was putting up these posters around the UNB campus:
And yeah, this dude was a Nazi.
Anna de Luca, in her infinite wisdom, decided it would be a great idea to publish not one, but TWO articles by this dude, one in which he defends Native American genocide and promotes anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
Anna Slatz defended her decision as a way to keep The Baron unbiased. However, when one wants to know an unbiased view of Nazism, one does not seek the opinion of a Nazi. The notion that the ideas of a Nazi is on the same even playing field as other ideologies is ludicrous.
The presentation of Nazi views without criticism does not show a lack of bias; it is simply another dangerous form of media bias, a pro-nazi one. And by the way, her opinion on this has not changed in the past 2 years. She still stands by her decision.
This one is rather minor but it was so strange that I had to mention it. She used to run a blog called NeoHubbard, in which she rehabilitated L. Ron Hubbard.
This runs in her style of uncritically presenting fringe ideologies without critique as if to say, “Oh wow look at this I want you to read this, of course I’m not a Nazi or Nazi-sympathizer I just want everyone to read this Nazi’s work!”
Presenting a flat-earther or a climate change denier with the same ligitmacy as a scientist is not unbiased, but biased towards those views because they can be easily proven false with scientific analysis and data.
Most of neohubbard is lost and deleted but a few posts can be found on the web archive, such as this fun little piece!
What I really want to impress upon you is that Anna Slatz is not ONLY very closely connected to an innumerable amount of alt/far-right people, but she also actively promotes their beliefs and platforms them.
Oh also
I think I should also talk about her rabid anti-trans rhetoric. Her obsession with Jessica Yaniv is apparent. She has written a mountain of articles about her.
A simple glance at her twitter will show you how obsessed she is with trans people. And of course, she defends her transphobia by arguing that it is divisive for trans people to want equal treatment.
Here is the essence of what I means to be Anna Slatz, assuming she is not an op or a grifter, just very hateful and stupid. She spends her entire time online attacking other leftists for the ‘divisive’ belief that trans people are valid.
She claims IdPol is divisive and then says stuff like this. Idk maybe she doesn’t actually care about divisiveness and just wants a justification for her hatred of trans women.
To criticism such as this she may claim that I am accusing her of being a class reductionist. That is not what I’m claiming at all. Class is the most prevalent factor that determines the trajectory of one’s life. She is not a class reductionist.
What she is doing is not class reductionism, it is bigotry and hatred justified by and disguised in a critique of liberal Identity Politics.
And if it isn’t obvious enough already, but I also would consider myself anti-IdPol. However, I, unlike Anna, do not conceptualize IdPol like her right-wing colleagues do.
She stands as a woman who chastises the ‘abusive’ rhetoric of trans rights activists, while also defending her platforming of a literal Nazi and continues to write for far-right news organizations with wonderful articles such as, “The Native Americans were never genocided.”
She presents as one on the left but lives as one on the right. She is the closest thing to an unironic NazBol I’ve ever seen.
Don’t get me started on how she used Lenin’s “The Infantile Sickness of ‘Leftism’ in Communism” to justify her transphobia and her allyship with conservatives, nazis, and other fascists.
I’m not quite sure what I want anyone who’s reading this to get from all of this. I doubt any leftist worth their salt can look at her profile and not turn away in disgust.
I guess what I hope you can learn from this is that ‘leftist solidarity’ should not and cannot include people like Anna Slatz. We need, as leftists, to steer clear of infighting as much as possible, but it is important to recognize that there are those who we must reject.
Leftist values are not purely economic, because we as leftist recognize that we cannot dismantle capitalism without dismantling the patriarchy, without dismantling white supremacy, without dismantling anti-LGBT values. We must, for solidarity’s sake, reject those who reject this.
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