Good point. Which language do we use? Sanskrit? Good luck with that in TN (that is 60M people) .. Hindi? Again - that loses about 30% of the country.

Don't tell me "Not English" .. tell me what you intend to substitute it with? Who is going to teach?

Where are the books?
There is a stark reality. We don't have good quality books in regional languages. No one writes them because there is no market.

We don't have good teachers for regional language instruction. No teachers, no books, but we want to change the medium of instruction first.
This should have been a top down change .. not a bottom up change. First departments in Universities should have worked with industry to create a pull. They should have worked with students and faculty to impart edu in mother tongue. Should have written books.
The industry pull and acceptance would have made this a no brainer. Instead we are pushing it bottom up. No market demand. No pressing need for engineers in regional languages, but we will produce them.
I have seen students struggle to communicate their thoughts in an English dominant industry. It jacked up their lives.
Here is the worst part of this problem: govt schools already have regional language instruction. Yet, in all scales, these students are the worst performers. You have 20-30% of govt schools that are begging to be improved. Why aren't we seeing top performers from there?
This means we don't have the necessary infrastructure to deal successfully with regional language instruction. We are failing big and are unwilling to acknowledge.

If this doesn't wake us up to the existing problems .. nothing else will.
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