Here's a quick thread on some useful VS Code extensions I've used in past and still use right now. There's a lot of great extensions out there, so if I didn't mention one of your favorites, feel free to add it to the list. 1/6 🧵

#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #Python #javascript
If you want to automatically have your comment blocks formatted to wrap around a line character limit, then do yourself a favor and check out the Rewrap extension. This will modify the actual file contents. 2/6 🧵
If you want code to wrap at a line character limit, then install the Prettier extension and add this to the settings.json file

"prettier.printWidth": n

where n is the line character limit. This enhances the code visually (i.e. the actual file contents are not modified). 3/6 🧵
If you’re a web dev, check the Live Server extension. It lets you instantly view code changes. If you refresh the browser 1,000 times weekly (52,000 yearly), then you’re wasting 52,000 secs (14 hrs) of life yearly on refreshing chrome. That’s a lot of time if you ask me. 4/6 🧵
To save even more seconds, download the Debugger for Chrome extension. This extension allows you to find bugs in your JavaScript code by setting breakpoints, stepping through code statements at your own will and inspecting results, and much more. 5/6 🧵
If you like writing ToDo comments but want them to somehow catch your eye when skimming through the code, then definitely check out the TODO Highlight extension as it allows you to do just that. 6/6 🧵
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