I support the narrative that Mackenzie Scott owns her assets without being tied to Jeff Bezos and she makes her own decisions. But I also love the petty narrative where she divorced him, then took his money and gave it to Black people. I'm internally conflicted about it.
Here's the thing about ultra-billionaires like MacKenzie Scott, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, etc. In a very real sense, they could do what she did every single year for decades. Just give away a billion dollars.
They have enough billions that it wouldn't materially impact their own lifestyle. They would make a large chunk of it back via investment growth. So it might even last longer than their supposed net worth. (Before they ultimately got down to the single digit billions that is. 🙄)
Somebody is going to want to argue that much of their net worth is tied up in investments. That's true. But you can almost always liquidate. It just takes time. And most of them can also gift shares in their companies, which makes it even easier.
It's important to acknowledge that when you amass an obscene amount of wealth, it actually takes more work to spend it than to keep it. That's what's so perverse about this whole thing. They have to choose to do a work in order to redistribute their wealth.
My point is they could do it. Every year. For many, many years. And fund all sorts of things that would alleviate suffering and death throughout the country and the world. That is a thing they could probably do without materially impacting their day to day lives for a long time.
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