Why is @Ripple $XRP so promising? Because it has a specific micro niche in cross border remittance transfer payments that solves a real world problem with established banking relationships and institutional clients. This can onboard to a much larger market.
Just like Amazon started with books. Google search engine. Facebook college message board. You become a monopoly later after you solve a very defined problem and destroy your competition.
The question is how big can it saturate the market? Cross border payments first. Then value transfer payments for individuals and businesses? Does the government implement it. Does it become part of World Reserve. All of this is feasible.
The truth is @Ripple is actually working with banks, institutions and government. Although this a drawback for some from an altruistic standpoint if I’m completely agnostic this poses a giant threat to the established banking system worldwide. What will replace the U.S. dollar?
Is $XRP a part of the new international basket of global currency? Even if it doesn’t reach this best case scenario there is massive growth potential IMO.
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