1/6 - After a series of reports exposing the connection between JBS and deforestation in the Amazon, the European Investment Bank Nordea Asset announced they will divest from the Brazilian slaughterhouse.
#ActForAmazon https://act.gp/2BGDglC 
3/6 - Days after, @greenpeacebr exposed how slaughterhouses JBS, Marfrig and Minerva have been indirectly buying cattle illegally raised in the Ricardo Franco Park in the Amazon, and exporting meat to several countries like Denmark, the UK and Hong Kong. https://act.gp/2A1VvkA 
5/6 - Nordea Asset’s divestment is a consequence of the companies’ inaction to fulfill the promises to end deforestation more than a decade ago, and of the lack of will of the Brazilian government to protect the Amazon. https://governmentofdestruction.org/ 
6/6 - The question is: how long will it take for other investment banks to follow Nordea’s steps? When will companies that exploit the Amazon, along with the Brazilian government, start to ACT for the protection of the Amazon and its Peoples?
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