As expected, I knew when it's time to talk on the Southern Kaduna issue with facts, those who push the GENOCIDE narrative will lost their voices. Their's isn't about finding solution, nor are they sympathetic to lives lost in that circle of violence. They just want the......
..........Fulani man pronounced guilty. Facts are coming out and they're beginning to lost their voices.

I was 7 when I first heard of religious crisis. The 1987 CoE, now college of nursing, crisis in Garaje, Kafanchan took place.
What followed was students, mostly Hausa Muslims, losing their lives on their way home from schools like Fadan Kaje, Gov college Kagoro, Gov sec school Angwar Rimi Kafanchan and Technical college Kaf. Their fault was simply being Muslims and schooling in a predominantly.....
.........Christian Southern Kaduna. That heralded an exodus of Muslims from those schools till date! When Pa Joe, my neighbour's son, came back home from FK, he told the stories so passively like it was nothing, until the true story filtered. His parents were from Madakiya, SK!
What was the cause? Muslim students dared to contest an SUG position that should have been the exclusive right of InDEgeNs.

We thought that will be the end, then in 89 violence almost erupted again, this time it was quietly and quickly nipped. Please do well to find out.
By February 1992, every Muslim in Southern Kaduna had come to terms that they were no longer safe in any part of SK, with Jaba land being the only exception. The Zangon Kataf crisis is still clouded in twisted conspiracies till today, even though we all know the truth.
Whoever wants to know the truth can find out, but I remember very well how the news of the fallout between Gen. Zamani Lekwot and Gen. Madaki filtered, following the second wave of violence in May 1992 because the latter didn't support violence as a way to fight oppression.
Till date, the Atyap people still regard the Bajju man as a sell out for that inglorious event. All of the above happened because the SK people feel oppressed by the Hausa North(i had to say this for the record).
Should innocent people die because of Political and leadership oppression? Should Fulani Normads die because they share the same religion with the SK supposed oppressors? Should violence be the way to fight political and leadership oppression?
Should any Nigerian be evicted from a place they've known as home for centuries because the "InDEgeNs" feel oppressed by share numbers? Anyway, all of the above happened to the Fulanis. They were killed, Raped and evicted from their homes for no just cause.
Their fault was being Muslims! So much for "ChriSTiaNs dO Not KilL foR rELliGioN". I lived through it all. I saw them kill Muslim for an issue as small as "two fighting!" The foregoing made me scared of any ECWA person. I grew up seeing them as as the most hateful......
...........vile and Terrorist Christian sect. I put them on the same level as COCIN members(a thread for another day). There was a time in the 90s when a Christian girl would not dare date a Muslim around Angwar Yelwa, Angwar Sunday or Television.
She'd come home expecting good slaps from area boys, no matter who her parents were.

I'm putting these facts so readers can tell for themselves who the aggressors were at the time.

This situation continued until the birth of the Izala sect(again, a thread for another day!).
As at the early 90s, after the February and May 92 crisis, the Izala sect had found followership amongst the Fulani who'd felt cheated for no fault of their's. They found voice in Sheikh Jindri's kind of preaching, I wouldn't blame them though.
However, they didn't retaliate all this time because between 92 and 99,they had enjoyed relative peace and safety after moving to Kachia and Today's Kajuru LGAs. Then in 2000 the Shari'a crisis started. Again, they fell victim of religious Politics.
In 2001, the Jos crisis affected some part of Kaduna South. The Fulani people were Killed, again! In 2004 the Miss World crisis saw them suffering something they knew nothing about. Then the mother of all happened in 2011 following the post election violence.
In Zonkwa alone, hundreds of Fulani died. In fact there were videos showing SK people proudly acting up like they were eating human flesh(I don't want to believe they did though, because I loved them as a people and "thought" I understood their grievances).
But after that crisis and seeing the twisted tales of victimhood, I came to terms with the reality that their's wasn't a fight to overcome oppression. They were just out to finish anyone with a Muslim identity in Southern Kaduna.
Meanwhile, in all of these, there are Christians, indigenous Christians, in areas like Makarfi, Gimi and Gubuchi in Kaduna North, living in bliss! No one takes a reprisal on them for sharing the same religion with SK. Who then is the aggressors?
I am deliberately leaving the Kaduna metropolis out because the crisis in the town was totally political. I am talking about attacks on minorities who had no reason to suffer political extermination for being Muslim or Christian because "they are settlers."
Meanwhile, talking about settlers or indigen; There is a group of people no one talks about. The Rumada Hausa(maybe not Hausa) whom many of those claiming indigen, met in SK. They still live there till date and are mostly Farmers.
Not even they can tell where they come from. Many other tribes met them in these bushes. They too suffer deaths and rape for being Muslims.

How then will anyone want to paint the SK people as innocent of the crisis that have engulfed the region for eons?
No, from my experience, in Southern Kaduna, the only aggressors I've seen are those who say "this is our land, you cannot live and thrive in it!"

Now there's another wave. What baffles me is the fact that anyone can actually lay claims to Kauru LGA.
This is an LGA that, in my opinion, is the most diverse in all of Nigeria or North West Nigeria. It is sandwiched between Zangon Kataf and Lere on the Kaduna end, and Plateau, Bauch and Kano states(if memory serves me right).
But as usual, the Atyap people have seized the opportunity to attack their usual Prey. Now it has filtered to Kaura and Jema'a. These LGAs are predominantly Christian. So, how in hell can anyone say the Fulani man is the aggressor? Because they don't use the media?
There was this day in 2015 at Casablanca in Barnawa, I and an Igbo friend were just about to sit down for a cool evening and 2 young men came in. The 2 were discussing how they'd not allow any Cow in Southern Kaduna. My Igbo friend was shocked by the shear determination in.....
...........their voice. My friend looked to me and said "guy make we leave this place abeg." It was that scary!

Oh, should I talk about how Boys Brigade were training boy in the villages around Kachia Town in preparation for what followed in 2000?
You think they didn't pre-empt the crisis of 2000? Please visit Kachia Town and ask about this. The people raised alarm then, but everyone thought they were being paranoid.

Biko, let's find a solution. All this victimhood cries won't solve it.
Much of Jaba land have remained peaceful despite having Fulani living amongst them. There are no 2 people that will live together without offending each other. But when they do, they should find solution and not seeking validation for their murderous acts in far away land🙏.
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