I really need someone who lives in one of the Scottish isles — from Arran all the way up to Lewis and Harris to give me the harsh reality of why living on an island isn’t what it’s cracked up to be before I get too carried away and upend my whole life. Please and thank you.
I’m extremely serious. As a writer, all I need is wifi & coffee so island living in theory would be fine as I can always pop back to the mainland for meetings and such. I am massively terrified of birds though. What is the least bird happy island so I can at least rule it out.
The way I see it. I get a beautiful place which is v affordable bc it’s in the middle of nowhere. I tempt my pals to visit w/ constant updates of my epic views. Get wall to wall bookshelves. Got my laptop. Coffee machine. Can sing as badly and as loudly as I want whenever I want.
Then when I need a break from the quiet I just hop back over to visit my parents and siblings which will then no doubt make me want to go back to the island after a few days.
Got so caught up in the idea of writing by the sea every day I forgot I was brown for a sec... island life while possibly being the only poc around might be something to consider before I set sail
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