What technical positives Warren would bring to Biden's campaign - a short thread:

1. Enthusiasm.

She had some of the largest crowds during the primary (only after Bernie). During a time when rallies are not possible, we need someone who has universal name recognition.
3. Ability to bridge the gap between moderate and liberal democrats. She'll bring in the constituents that Biden needs. Warren leads with Hispanic voters, young voters, Independents, and with progressive voters (among others). Check out the latest poll: https://twitter.com/realspencergray/status/1288553781668524032?s=20
4. Progressive voters: Even today, months after both Warren and Bernie have dropped out, they continue to rack up votes and delegates. Let's unite the party. We can't take for granted ANY voter. And it's clear, Biden needs them. https://twitter.com/cliftonicwater/status/1287730235559960576?s=20
5. Experience! She was part of the Obama/Biden coalition who helped bring America out of the 2008 recession. We needed her expertise then and we need it now during the economic/covid crisis in our future. What better place than right next to the president.
6. Fundraising Juggernaut:

She raised more grassroots donations than any woman in the primary. And after Obama, she's raised the most money for Biden after her endorsements! We can no longer do rallies and meet-ups - her ability to bring in $$$ to fight Trump is important!
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