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What is it we say about the market right now?...

The digital transformation (DX) due to COVID-19 is a permanent shift in the way technology is used by people, governments, and enterprises around the world.


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What is it we say about the market right now?...

E-commerce, by some measures, has moved forward by 10-years in the last 3-months.


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What is it we say about the market right now?...

While this virus is a tragedy, if it happened to us ten years ago, the death toll and economic impact would have been far (far) worse.


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Due to breakthroughs in technology, our medical scientists can react faster and with greater precision in an effort to vaccinate this disease.

Due to breakthroughs in technology, individuals are able to use e-commerce for nearly everything.


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Due to breakthroughs in technology, the Internet can thrive under immense and sustained traffic.

Due to breakthroughs in technology, enterprises can turn a DX project from three-years into a weekend.


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For all the paranoia surrounding technology, make no mistake, due to breakthroughs in technology, lives have been saved, economies have been resuscitated, and the general world order has been preserved itself while ...


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... pursuing the largest, most coordinated global cooperation in the history of mankind.

So, yes, technology companies that are empowering this change, that are enabling this change, will see their stock prices go up.


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For the crew out there, that sits in incredulity at some of these stock prices, in our opinion, it would be incredulous if they didn’t rise this far this fast.


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So, yeah, sh*t is going to get weird in the stock market.

There has been an unnatural exogenous event that has had an unnaturally negative impact on human kind.


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In response, governments are having to act in unnatural ways to combat an unnatural systemic and human risk.

That’s not legislators being dumb or the Federal Reserve “pumping” the stock market.

It has a different name.


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It’s called coordinated and forceful intellect.

It is the understanding that this unnatural disturbance requires an unnatural response.


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It turns out that Fed Governors might actually know what they’re doing and sometimes, a PhD from Harvard isn’t a bad thing.

The market will have an unnatural response to this unnatural disturbance and equally unnatural intervention.


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It is going to get bumpy and the stock volatility to follow is the only part of this whole thing that is natural.

When the best investors in the world hear consternation about a stock price ‘on that day that time’, they don’t hear it.


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It’s not a reluctance to it, it simply means nothing.

A day cannot encapsulate the changes that have already been laid.

This understanding that whatever the market does today has no impact on the view of the future has a name.


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It’s called perspective.

The rare (rare) few have it.

It is these rare few that we call the best investors in the world.


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It is this group of people that you can join, by making a decision.

You are the best investor in the world with perspective.

Don’t lose it.


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