Cracks me up how many won’t just wear a mask to protect their health. And don’t tell me you’re “too busy” either. I’ve been slammed with radio/tv all day. I had to stop for a pizza on the way home, stop to get whiskey, AND stop for a pack of smokes.

But I still got a mask.
My sons tried to actually leave the house today. They wanted to play basketball with their friends. I told them there’s no way we can risk that unless everyone is surrounded by plexiglass. Sent them back inside to play video games.

Take care of your kids!
The schools in our area were actually thinking about opening this year. They just pretend like there’s not a virus!

We had a big neighborhood meeting about it last night. About 100 of us got together and decided it’s just too dangerous.

Social distancing is key!
Just got in my truck and I forgot my mask. But I STILL care enough about my health and your health to take precautions.
Wear a mask and stop making it political. There’s nothing political about a politician and a government doctor telling you what to do.
You can follow @JesseKellyDC.
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