Setting Up and Deflecting the Right Hand to the Body: Lost Art of Fighting.
These series of tweets will be about the right hand and left elbow.
2. Many Boxers pre-1950’s used a right hand to hit the left side of their Opponent’s body to hurt them. You don’t see it anymore because it’s not being taught.
3. The way it was done; you get in jabbing range first, then you threw you’re jab to blind the Opponent stepping forward to get in close, then you would throw a low right hand from you’re waist.
4. If done right you hit you’re Opponent behind the left elbow to the body or kidney. It was a very effective punch that Orthodox and Southpaw Boxers used.
5. What was also important was the placement of you’re feet. You wanted you’re lead left foot inside the Opponents so you weren’t in front of him when you closed the distance.
6. If you’re feet were parallel to you’re Opponent’s then there would be a clash of heads but if you angled off to your right side, his left, then you wouldn’t bump heads.
7. The reason why this effective punch isn’t taught anymore is because Trainers don’t teach their Boxer how to judge distance.
8. When a modern day Boxer tries to throw a right hand to the body he usually leads with it from too far away and reaches with the punch falling forward off balance.
9. The Boxer isn’t taught how close he needs to be to land his jab or how to set up the right hand to the body with the jab, or how to step forward to get closer so as to not reach with the punch.
10. Because none of these things are taught the punch is misunderstood as useless or out of date. Modern day thinking is that this punch wouldn’t work with today’s Boxers.
11. The defensive mindset is to roll you’re lead shoulder when someone is punching at you but to do that with a right hand to the body is to expose you’re left kidney.
12. Many Boxers today think that exposing you’re kidney is okay because the Referee will punish the Fighter for hitting him there but it’s poor defense.
13. A shot to the kidney is illegal, and rightly so, but that’s not how to stop it. It would be like trying to stop a right hand to the face by exposing the back of you’re head.
14. The technique to stop the right hand to the body is to defect it with you’re left elbow. This isn’t easy to teach and near impossible to learn that’s why they don’t do it anymore.
15. When the Opponent throws their jab you move away from it but you keep you’re left hand in front of you.
16. You keep you’re elbow close to you’re body and if you don’t see the right hand you get ready for it because it’s most likely coming low. When you feel it or see it you hit the punch with the elbow.
17. You pull you’re left shoulder back swinging the elbow into the punch knocking it outwards then counter with a straight right hand.
18. The idea is your using the moment of you’re left shoulder to throw you’re right shoulder forward which will give the right hand more momentum to land.
19. The idea is to deflect the punch which will put you’re Opponent in a vulnerable position then counter right away. Your keeping both you’re offense with you’re defense and so on.
20. These two Boxing moves are no longer taught and Boxing has become the lesser for it. It takes to long to learn so Trainers don’t teach it & Fighters are moved much quicker then years past.
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