Every few days, to keep family/friends informed on scientific info to help keep them safe, I check latest Covid research. Today's check, while the results were largely expected, was devastating. America is in massive danger, and no one is trying to stop it. In fact, we are../1
...doing so many things to make it worse that any independent observer of the United States would think we are doing it on purpose.

Start with school reopening. Again, no country in the world has reopened in the middle of a massive spread - they got virus controlled first.../2
...we're basically gambling everyone's lives on GOP saying "Well, kids don't die" which is a FUCKING lie. Lower probability doesnt mean none. And we cant know what'll happen, cause no one has taken this gamble. All we can do is look at what DID happen when we closed schools.../3
...and try to reverse-engineer that data. In other words, what impact did closing schools have on transmission, infection, death rate while we near the beginning of the major outbreak. That then, is our only indication of what could happen when we reopen. And it's horrible.../4
...the data surrounding closings shows that they were associated with a "significant decline" in both infection and death rate. Running that through their model, the outcome shows that 127 per 100,000 people did not become infected per 26 days, and 1.5 per 100,000 per 16 days../6
...now notice, something that the GOPrs are too FUCKING STUPID to understand: Those are not just child numbers. Children CAN carry the disease, and CAN infect. So a kid goes to school, maybe gets sick and hospitalized or dead, maybe not. But the infection spreads across.../7
...entire community - adults, kids, etc - as kids come in contact with everyone. But don't think kids don't die - they do.

Now, part 2 of the horrors: GOPrs always talk about death rates as if that is the only issue. We already know that Covid causes massive damage to organs../8
...even in the asymptomatic, the mildly ill and the recovered. We now have more data on coronary impact and it is bad. Of *recovered* patients tested, 78% had cardiac involvement with virus and 60%had continuing cardiac inflammation. Will it last forever? We don't know!.../9
...we dont know because we CANT know. We haven't had enough time. And this percent of trouble is from people with no underlying preexisting conditions. And what happens from cardiac inflammation? It is associated with major medical diseases that kill..../10
...we are about to be forced to run a massive clinical trial on American children because Trump and the GODDAMN GOP think for reasons unknown that it will help in their reelection. We are going to end up under a cordon sanitaire, cut off from the entire world, so that these.../12
..bastards can preen on Fox. We're sending children, CHILDREN, into a burning building while doing next to nothing to put in safety equipment. The Administration is saying, if you dont throw kids into flames & hope it works out, we're going to cut more $ you need for safety.../13
...menawhile the president is touting his own cures, and republicans in congress are whining about imaginary censorship on social media. We could be on the precipice of the greatest self-imposed catastrophe in American history and *no one is doing anything to stop it.* ..../14
...kids WILL be hospitalized, kids WILL die, teachers and staff WILL be hospitalized and die, everyone will be infecting everyone else, a majority of those who dont die will suffer from lung lesions, neurological and cardiac problems, potentially for the rest of their lives.../15
...what have we become as a nation? Tax cuts, judges and getting permission to hate who you hate is enough to kill all these people, to wreck their lives, to harm children?

The impending sense of doom after reading these and other studies is overwhelming.

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